Snow White & Rose Red - by Nancy Evans (Adapted by Kate Northcott)

Set in Jollyvale we find Snow White and Rose Red and their respective fiances Princes Roland and Rupert, along with a host of other characters with interesting alliterative names.

Behind the scenes, the wicked witch "Grotty" is scheming, with her accomplice "Groucho" the dwarf to take over the kingdom. Will "Fairy Frump" save the day?


Peter Piper (Richard Parker); Snow White (Sarah Finney); Rose Red (Catherine Knowles); Lizzie (Sophie Dodson); Dizzie (Emily Baker); Bizzie (Tammy Hollands); Tizzie (Lizzy Baker); Polly Pepper (Rebecca Davis); Prince Roland (Heather Freegard); Banilda Buffet (Brenda Woodward); Benny (Dave Burbidge); Prince Rupert (Emma Caird); Betty (Penny Caird); Bertie (Simon Crutchley); King Ferdinand (Rob Burbidge); Fizzie (Tom Freegard); Dilly (Jane Weston); lzzie (Jess Gresham); Grotty the Witch (Ann Haines); Groucho (Elliot Garraway); Fairy Frump (Tina Burbidge); Percy Pepper (Adam Jenkins); Bear (Michael Gresham)

Children and birds: Alex Knowles, Rachel White, Emily Green, Lucy Green, Tom Morcumb, Laura Morcumb, Kara Morcumb, Tim Kaye, Megan Anderson, Joseph Bristow, Ania Morrison-Clarke

Director: Kate Northcott